
Thursday, October 16, 2008


Randall Terry has written a letter to all of America's bishops creating a scenerio paralleling the killing of unborn children to a hypothetical killing of bishops, in an effort to get the bishop's attention so that they will support a Catholic position in the upcoming election. The letter and related material can be found at humbleplea.com.

Market Watch has picked up the story and preceded it with comments by Bishop Rene Henry Gracida, Corpus Christi, which states:

I have visited the humbleplea.com website and have read the Open Letter to the U.S. Bishops and brochure "Faithful Catholic Citizenship."

You have done an excellent job of presenting the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church and applying it to the candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama.

I encourage you to disseminate the two documents as widely as possible. More and more bishops are speaking up in the way you desire.

Bottom line? "A Catholic Bishop Confirms that a Catholic Cannot Vote for Obama in Good Conscience" as the title of the article states.

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