
Tuesday, October 16, 2007


According to a World Net Daily article sent in by a reader

In an Oct. 2 e-mail obtained by WND, Radio Disney sales associate Jason Atkinson informed the media representative hired by Promenade, Casey Baker, that the network's broadcast standards and practices department said scripts for the "Ten Commandments" radio spots should "omit the following line: CHOSEN BY GOD."

Additional correspondence obtained by WND

Promenade Productions president and COO Cindy Bond said she was told by her contact with the media buyer – Tori Davis of New and Improved Media – that Disney would not play the spot unless the changes were made.

Disney gave no explanation, and Davis, according to Bond, insisted the decision was "set in stone," and there was nothing Promenade could do but accept the changes.

Bond forwarded to WND an e-mail from Davis that said:


Disney Radio has asked that the following changes be made to the radio spot before they will run it:

1) Remove the line "Chosen by God"
2) Include Promenade Pictures in the radio spot.

How quickly can you make these changes?


After learning of Disney's revision, Bond asked Davis the status of the ad buy. Davis replied in an e-mail, "The radio schedule is booked and non-cancellable."

Read the details of Radio Disney's decision at the website.

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