
Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Ninety-nine questions about Opus Dei are offered for consideration by the Sede website Opus Dei Alert. Take this one for example:

69. Why was Msgr. Escriva's confessor, Portillo, permitted to testify ad nauseum during the canonization process in direct contradiction to the explicitly laid down rule that the candidate's "confessor" may not be called to testify during the canonization process?

Good question, if in fact the claim is true. At the time Escriva was canonized, a lot of voices objected. Maybe they knew something we don't know.

The website raises a number of questions pertaining loosely to issues I've brought up on this blog. I suppose the usual epithet has been applied to them already.


There are a number of interesting coincidences between Opus Dei and Opus Angelorum that I want to take note of. Whether they mean anything or not I can't say. I'm blogging them simply because I found them.

Order of the Holy Cross

1977 Restoration of the Order of the Holy Cross

The restoration of the Order was undertaken in 1977 by members of the spiritual movement called the Work of the Holy Angels (Opus Sanctorum Angelorum). In 1979 the Congregation for Religious and Pope John Paul II formalized the restoration by Decree.

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross is an association of clergy intrinsically united to Opus Dei. It is made up of the clergy of the prelature, who are automatically members, and other diocesan priests and deacons. The prelate of Opus Dei is the president of the society.

** "Order of the Holy Cross" ~ "Society of the Holy Cross"


According to an article in The Tablet, Opus Angelorum spirituality presented the angels of the Kabbalah until Cardinal Ratzinger demanded a change.

Opus Dei studies Jewish sources for proof that Jesus existed.

** In a Church that traditionally opposed Judaism, these two organizations, which are claiming to adhere to Tradition, are both looking to Judaism to provide answers to who Catholics are and what their spirituality should look like.


Opus Angelorum ~ Opus Dei

"Opus" means "work".

** "Work" is a word that was not used in our spirituality prior to Vatican II. We believed the work had already been done by Christ. What "work" are these two organizations referring to in their title? The spirituality of Judaism involves the "work" of repairing the world. Work is a term that also turns up in Freemasonry.

Both organizations are secretive. Do they "work" together, I wonder?


A website devoted to the writings of Escriva provides his comments on angels:


Have confidence in your guardian Angel. Treat him as a lifelong friend — that is what he is — and he will render you a thousand services in the ordinary affairs of each day.


Win over the guardian Angel of that person whom you wish to draw to your apostolate. He is always a great 'accomplice'.


If you remembered the presence of your own Angel and the angels of your neighbours, you would avoid many of the foolish things which slip into your conversations.


You are amazed that your guardian Angel has done you such obvious favours. And you should not be amazed: that's why our Lord has placed him beside you.


You say that in such surroundings there are many occasions of going astray? That's true, but is there not also the presence of the guardian Angels?...


If you call upon your guardian Angel at the moment of trial, he will protect you from the devil and will bring you holy inspirations.


How joyfully the holy guardian Angels must have obeyed that soul who said to them: 'Holy Angels, I call on you, like the Spouse of the Song of Songs, ut nuntietis ei quia amore langueo, to tell him that I languish with love.'


I know you will be glad to have this prayer to the holy guardian Angels of our Tabernacles:

O Angelic Spirits that guard our Tabernacles, wherein lies the adorable treasure of the holy Eucharist, defend it from profanation and preserve it for our love.


Drink at the clear fountain of the Acts of the Apostles. In the twelfth chapter, Peter, freed from prison by the ministry of Angels, comes to the house of the mother of Mark. Those inside will not believe the girl, who says that Peter is at the door. Angelus ejus est! It must be his Angel!' they said.

See on what intimate terms the early Christians were with their guardian Angels.

Sounds a lot like the writings of Opus Angelorum.

Escriva's statue in St. Peter's basilica incorporates two angels at his feet, reminiscent of the fact that Opus Dei was founded on the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels.

Saint Mary of the Angels in Chicago is administered by Opus Dei.

** Is there a common denominator between Opus Dei and Opus Angelorum?

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