
Sunday, October 29, 2006


In the process of raising a kid, somehow we got out of the habit of going to the movies. Now that the job is done, my husband has taken an interest in getting back into the habit. I never turn down a date when the right guy asks.

Saturday night he picked the film--"The Departed"--a Scorsese effort with a three and a half star rating (out of four) in the local listing. We made it past the halfway point when husband whispers "Do you want to stay for any more of this?" "No, not really," I responded and we got up and left. So did another fella who apparently liked it about as well as we did. Today husband got online and looked for a bad review of this movie, but wasn't able to find one.

Let's see, if we had a dollar for every F--- word, we could have dinner at the swanky restaurant up the road that we can't afford. If we had a piece of candy for every bloody scene, we could have another Beggar's Night. If we had a drink for every body part that got smashed, we wouldn't be sober till next Sunday. If we used half the brains God gave us, we would know that a Scorsese film is not going to make for a pleasant night out! Skip this one.

I get to pick the next one. "The Good Year" looks like a choice.

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