
Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I don't know if we are beyond our usual rainfall amount this year, but I do know that when it rains it pours...usually into people's basements. Yesterday afternoon we had yet another drencher that left 200 families holed up in shelters after they were rescued from their flooded houses. Some had 3 ft. of water in the livingroom. It rained 4 inches in 45 minutes in one Akron suburb, so of course the sewers and drains were overwhelmed. An area of the Cleveland suburbs also got flooded.

A segment on last evening's news covered a mother and daughter in danger of drowning on the deck at their house. The father attempted to rescue them but was unable to do it. They called 911 from their cell phone, and the fire department was finally able to scoop them up in the bucket of a front-end loader.

The last time it rained we saw pictures on the local news of a condominium development under water up to the rooftops. It looked like New Orleans all over again, this time without benefit of an ocean.

Houses, of course, are not worth much after three feet of water invades, and the areas seem to be large enough after every storm to apply for FEMA funds. Mostly the homeowner's insurance will not cover the damage.

Local governments are claiming it's a 100-year flood, but as one guy interviewed on the news yesterday said, "I had a 100-year flood last year too." Along with the wet weather we're having days in the 90s with a heat index in the 104 deg. range. After a lovely June and mostly pleasant July, August looks like it will make up for lost time.

Most of us take it for granted that Native American shamen attempted to call rain down upon the land during a drought. Whether we actually believe they could do it or not is debatable.

According to a book by Max Freedom Long, "the Huna science used by the early Polynesians for healing, changing the future for the better, control of winds and weather, etc." is based in fact. Well, I haven't read it, so use your own judgment.

According to "Illuminati News" Legislation introduced by Texan senator Kay Bailey-Hutchinson intends to use a cyclone for war, prompting me to wonder briefly if Katrina was a test. Say what you like about "nutty conspiracy theories", but the bill does exist, in two versions, no less, and GovTrack.us indicates there is (or was) a bill in the house pointed at the same objective.

Then there is this curious comment in Dr. Lewis Keizer's Home Temple website. Scroll down to Rev. Loren's "Gnostic Catholic Church of the Holy Grail and the Hidden Chapel of Mary Magdalene." There you will find this:

Loren's home church is located in Belen, New Mexico, where he lives with his wife and children. Loren completed all T:.H:.G:. First Order Empowerments, including the "proving" in which he manifested rain when the forecast was for clear skies. In fact, he brought down a whole storm!

In recognition of his spiritual achievements in successfully completing the First Order Empowerments of T:.H:.G:., Rev. Loren was dubbed a Knight of the esoteric chivalric Order of St. Michael and St. Raphael in August of 2004 by Knight Commander Lewis Keizer. All T:.H:.G:. Initiates are accepted as candidates for Knighthood in this authentic European Order headed by Abbot and Bishop George Boyer in London. However, they are not dubbed as Knight or Dame until they can demonstrate the final "proving" after the Seventh Empowerment. Dubbing as Knight or Dame is a recognition of spiritual nobility and authority, but unlike other orders of nobility, it cannot be passed on by heredity to descendants. It must be earned by each candidate.
[Bolding mine - ct]

If the First Order Empowerments required proof he could manifest a storm, what do you suppose the Seventh Order Empowerment accomplishes?

Don't think too long about the approved apparition of Akita in which we are told that "fire will fall from the sky." You'll have nightmares if you do!

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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