
Friday, April 21, 2006


One of the Roman Catholic Church's most distinguished cardinals has publicly backed the use of condoms among married couples to prevent Aids transmission.

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini said that in couples where one had HIV/Aids, which could pass to the partner, the use of condoms was "a lesser evil".

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Ok, if one disease can be handled with condoms, how about other diseases, like the ones transmitted to the fetus such as genetically transmitted diseases, or the sorts of diseases that can be the result of medication the wife takes, or the activities required by her occupation? What about a husband exposed to radiation or biological warfare while in a war zone? Or is there a hierarchy of diseases that can be and cannot be addressed with condoms? Is the use of condoms to prevent birth defects a "lesser evil" also?


According to Catholic News Agency he also claims life doesn't start at conception.

Another case of bishop opposing bishop...or in this case cardinal opposing pope?

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