
Monday, March 27, 2006


From "Appendix Lamed: The Tactics of Magick" - The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson:

Ouroboros, the serpent eating its own tail, is chiefly emblematic of the Mass of the Holy Ghost.*

*See Israel Regardie,
The Tree of Life.

(Illuminatus! p. 781)


From Aleister Crowley's Liber Aleph, a system of magick based on the Kabbalah:

Here now is another Formula of Power, good to invoke any Being to manifest in thyself. First, invoke him by the Power of all thy Spells and conjurations, with Mind concentrated and Will vehement, toward him, as I have written in many Books. But because thou are NEMO, thou mayst safely invoke him, no matter of what Nature, within thy Circle. Now then do thou confer on him as a Guerdon of his Obedience the Dignity of a Soul seeking Incarnation, and so precede to consecrate thine Act by performing the Mass of the Holy Ghost. Then shall that Spirit make himself Body from those Elements, and thou partaking thereof makest thine own Body his Machinery of Manifestation, and thus mayst thou work with any Spirit soever; yet this shall serve thee most in common Life. Also he Qualities are well defined in the Cards of the Tarot, so hat thou hast a clear-cut Means of developing thy Powers according to the Needs of the Time. But learn also this, to work constantly under the Guidance of thine Holy Guardian Angel, so that thy Workings be alway in Harmony and Accord with thy true Will.


From "The Cincinnati Journal of Ceremonial Magick":

12. A point is made here regarding the Mass of the Holy Ghost, as a preparation for the further instructions regarding the Mass of Maat. Indeed-the M.H.G. is most effectively performed by Magickians of equal ability who share in the Gestalt. The Eagle, having contributed her share of essence in the making of the Elixir, should participate in the consuming of it - otherwise a serious energy-imbalance results. For the Lion to be the only priest in this ritual is nothing more than psychic vampirism.

13-15. Herein is the procedure of the Mass of Maat given. Begin with the statement of Thelema. Banish, then meditate, using the Word of this Book as mantra. This will bring to the conscious minds the reality of bisexuality, regardless of physical form. The Lion becomes lunar, and the Eagle is the active, Solar agent for the first part.

Maat is invoked. (551)


Ecstasy Through Tantra by Dr. John Mumford:

Learn what sex magick is and how it differs from Tantra. The "Mass of the Holy Ghost" by Israel Regardie is reproduced here, and with the information in this book the mystical, alchemical, and sexual meanings of this ritual become clear. Contributors include Donald Michael Kraig on how to have a bliss-filled Tantric weekend, and Carl Llewellyn Weschcke on the importance of love and romance.


From "Alchemy: The black Art" by David Cherubim, Chief of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn:

Now from the point of view of Sexual Alchemy the Great Work is to manufacture the Philosopher's Stone by the skillful application of the sexual act between a man and a woman. In this material form of Alchemy the simple adage holds true: "It takes two to tango!" This constitutes the fundamentals of Sexual Alchemy, which we call Our Master Work and the Labour of Hercules, but most especially the Mass of the Holy Ghost. The whole secret of this Magnum Opus is symbolized by the Union of the Rosicrucian Rose and Cross. This symbol is the same as the symbol for Venus, which is a modification of the Egyptian Ankh, which is itself a combined symbol of the Cross and Circle. The Cross symbolizes the Masculine Principle and the Circle or Rose symbolizes the Feminine Principle.

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