
Monday, February 13, 2006


As the Roman Catholic archbishop honored hundreds of married couples inside the Cathedral of St. Paul on Sunday, more than 150 people gathered outside to protest his support of a state constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage.
"Today we come together to celebrate … the vocation of marriage between one man and woman,'' Archbishop Harry Flynn said during the Mass. "Today that vocation is under challenge, even under attack.''

The archdiocese has celebrated an annual Mass honoring marriage for the past 25 years. This time, though, protesters attended to oppose efforts by the state's Roman Catholic bishops to promote a constitutional amendment, destined to be a key issue in the upcoming state legislative session.

"We … are outraged by the position and tactics taken by the Minnesota Catholic bishops in actively endorsing and advocating for the discriminatory and anti-Christian marriage amendment, both from the pulpit and through official Catholic publications,'' said David McCaffrey, one of the protesters.

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