
Thursday, January 19, 2006


Segments from a Zenit article are quoted over at Papa Razi Post under the headline "Pope tells rabbi of Church's love for Jews":

Pope Benedict XVI talked of the Church's love for the Jewish people when he received the chief rabbi of Rome in audience.

Zenit reports that "Shalom!" was the greeting the Pope expressed on Monday when welcoming Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni and a Jewish delegation, on the eve of Italy's national day to further Catholic-Jewish dialogue.

"The Catholic Church is close to you and is your friend," the Holy Father told the rabbi. "Yes, we love you and cannot but love you, 'through the Fathers.'"

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I suppose it wouldn't be politically correct to point out that Christ taught us to love our enemies, and that the history of Catholic-Jewish relations is fraught with discord, would it? These days in order to be Catholic it would seem that one needs to also be illiterate. It would certainly help to be illiterate when this claim is made!

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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