
Friday, December 30, 2005


Check out the report at Catholic Church Conservation about one of the parishes in Austria that seems to have a woman who is edging her way gracefully into the role of priest. See that rainbow. See the link in the text to another rainbow. Looks like it means something more than or other than homosexuality as it is used here. And somehow I don't think it's the Noah rendition of the symbol.

What I suspect is this meaning; and if it is, I suspect that esoteric or liberal Christianity has a lot firmer hold on Austrian Catholicism than even I fear.

In the pictures of the sanctuary with the rainbow arching over the baptismal font behind the altar one can easily see the liberal Catholic symbolism:

The sacred relationship between John and Yeshua was not new but reflects a powerful spiritual connection of discipleship from previous incarnations. According to the Tradition, John the Baptist was the reincarnation of the Soul of Elijah the prophet and Yeshua was the reincarnation of the Soul of Elisha, the protégé of Elijah. In the Holy Scriptures we find that a promise was made to Elisha by the Prophet Elijah – that Elisha would receive twice the power of the Soul of Elijah. This promise was made by the banks of the River Jordan where Elijah parted the waters of the great river. (See Kings 2 2:1-12)

This promise was fulfilled in the Rite of Baptism enacted by John and Yeshua – when these two Great Souls joined together in the Rite of Baptism a Gate was opened to the Light-Continuum and the Soul of the Messiah – Supernal Being – was brought into the world.

That rainbow over the baptismal font symbolizes the baptismal opening of the gate to the light-continuum or rainbow bridge.

Could this in fact be a Liberal Catholic Church instead of a Roman Catholic Church? Whether it is or whether it isn't, the Liberal Catholic Church is reflected in the symbolism of the sanctuary.

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