
Tuesday, October 11, 2005


The Sitka icon of the Theotokos is on pilgrimmage around the U.S. Pictures of the pilgrimmage are online at the Orthodox Diocese of Alaska website. Click the link for St. James in Ft. Collins to see the icon itself. Then look at the other pictures to see the inside of various Orthodox churches and the crowds of people who have turned out for the event.

The Orthodox seem to be able to bring the men out for these events as well as the women. The feminization of religion has not affected Orthodoxy like it has Roman Catholicism.

Justin sent in the link. Could these events have taken place during Divine Liturgy on a Sunday and thus explain why the men turn out for them, Justin? Or is this really a reflection of the difference between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism?

Something else to note. Several of these churches lack pews. Some have chairs. Some have neither.

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