
Monday, October 31, 2005


Archbishop John has written three books on the Holy Grail




The books are described here on the website of the International Association of Russian Religious Authors & Philosophers (IARRAP), of which Archbishop John is the President.

The Association website also includes a segment devoted to "The Holy Grail" which is linked here. Click it and you arrive here. This is not in the same domain as the Association. If you read Russian, this might be an interesting website to fisk. Unfortunately, I don't read Russian, and the English link doesn't work.

Another page in the IARRAP website offers an interview that took place after John Paul II died but before he was buried. The interviewee is not identified, but he talks about meeting with John Paul II, and doesn't expect the next pope to be favorable to his and John Paul II's concerns. He seems to believe the pope following Benedict XVI will be the antiChrist.

The following passage comes from the interview:

The third secret was hidden for many years. But a part of this prophecy was revealed. The third prophecy predicted a crises and the end of the Catholic Church which would be the decease of the two thousand year history of Christianity. In this connection the second mystery of Fatima talked about a special mission of Russia in the salvation of the world. Namely Russia will make a greatest purifying sacrifice for the whole world and be an origin of new spiritual leaders to lead not only Christianity but the whole Humankind.

Is he talking about John Paul II's "New Springtime"?

Archbishop John was a "Special Consultant 2002-2004" to Dr. Charles Mercieca's International Association of Educators for World Peace. Certainly Dr. Mercieca is a staunch supporter of Archbishop John, of whom he says:

“Blessed John has emerged as one of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time. He views the martyrs of the Solovski Islands as the patron saints of his vibrant Marian Church. In his prophetic visions, he sees Russia emerging as the New Jerusalem of the third millennium. The best way to savor the deep Marian spirituality of Archbishop John is to read his books and to hear him talking. The Solovski Islands martyrs have revealed to him the mysteries of life, death, and resurrection of souls.“

Josip Terelya, another visionary, is an Honorary Consultant of the IARRAP. On Bishop Roman Danylak's website he is pictured with John Paul II, and there are links to a number of writings on him at the above link. Click the "Josyp Terelya-2" link and you will arrive here. You can read here that Josyp Terelya believes that California "sill sink into the water." Scroll to the bottom of this webpage and click "Crystalinks Main Page" to arrive here. As you scroll down this webpage, you will quickly realize that you are not in a Catholic area!!

There is a picture of Josyp with JPII here as well.

The Medjugorje Day X Day Aug 05 Marian Eucharistic Congress - Winnipeg - A mentions Terelya. It appears that he was a participant in this Congress.

The website Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary shows no decision on Joseph Terelya.

In any case it would seem that another visionary associated with the Marian movement in the U.S. is also associated with Archbishop John.

One message comes through the neocathar website of James Twyman, through the Charismatic movement, and through Archbishop John's organizations. It is that the future of the Church does not lie with the priesthood but rather with visionary experience and community church. One could almost get the sense that there is some sort of effort afoot to destroy the hierarchical structure of the Church, as all of the talk about collegiality would seem to indicate. The scandal contributes to the undermining of the priesthood, and certainly the bishop's failure to defend the laity's children does as well. So does the permissiveness that we have witnessed since Vatican II where doctrine is concerned.

Is the Roman Catholic Church in the process of reinventing Herself while at the same time claiming to be based in Tradition, or is there a widespread deception such as the Great Apostasy taking place?

I confess I don't understand how to fit the churches I'm uncovering on the web into the familiar pattern of religions. They simply don't belong since they mix and match bits and pieces of Orthodoxy with Catholicism with Buddhism with Hinduism. Doctrine is no longer separated along denominational lines within the Christian arena. Very confusing. We have chaos not just within the RCC, but also within Western Christianity itself.

Lord have mercy!

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