
Monday, July 11, 2005


A Mystery School.

Actually, it's part of this Mystery School. Here you can find out from The Church of The Way how "the 'church' Yeshua personally founded is lost to history."

You will also find this webpage where you can learn about The Church of the Way which presents Dan Brown's DA VINCI CODE theory as fact. And you can read at the very end of the article next to the picture of A Merovingian Queen that "The word Desposyni ("relatives of the Lord") is found in writings of the early primitive Christian Church, indicating he had flesh and blood descendants and they were known."

If you read William H. Kennedy's book LUCIFER'S LODGE: SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, you know about the Desposyni.

Kennedy wrote:

The Desposyni believed they were the body, blood, and spirit of Jesus Christ and that they had the right to marry, to have children, to run the Church, and pass on papal leadership to their offspring. This heresy may have been where Celsus received the notion that Jesus was a sex fiend. Most likely this belief was a Desposyni tenet, which they used to justify their own sexual practices.

[Malachi] Martin believed that they died out in the fourth century, but some may have survived and their congregations could have easily kept these sexual teachings alive in the Church by going underground. (p. 99)

The booklist for this Mystery School is interesting. Michael Baigent, editor of "Freemasonry Today" is there. Deepak Chopra is there. Margaret Starbird is as well, and Rosemary Radford Reuther. So is Robert A. Powell. He is the translator for MEDITATIONS ON THE TAROT, which means that Hans Urs von Balthasar is there by default. MEDITATIONS is a "required" textbook for this Mystery School. Ken Wilbur is there. A book by Raphael Patai titled THE HEBREW GODDESS is another required text, as is Margaret Starbird's THE FEMININE FACE OF CHRISTIANITY.

Someone else is there...Israel Regardie, author of the ritual book called GOLDEN DAWN. I've looked at this book...checked it out of the Kent State library...but didn't read it. It's a thick book and consists almost entirely of the rituals used in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Check out the link for "The Third Millenium Angelic Alliance", keeping in mind there are angels and then there are those other angels. Look at the first angel. He is wearing an Alpha-Omega symbol.

Under Divine Feminine there is a reference to Sophia and the explanation that "Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene take on roles of Goddesses" given at the link for Juedo-Christian Goddesses. There is a link for "Paul invented much of Christianity" and one for "Christo-Pagan Info."

The "Order of Melchizedek" link offers this explanation of the Melchizedek priesthood:

Merkabah is a Hebrew word meaning Chariot of Fire

This Order, a sub-Order under the Order of Melchizedek, follows the oldest system of mysticism in the Bible, older than even Kabbalah. It begins in the book of Ezekiel (Hebrew Bible / Old Testament) where Ezekiel's vision of the fiery chariot spawned the earliest Jewish mystical system. The "Riders" of the Merkabah/Chariot would ascend upward thru seven different "heavens." Special sacred pass words, hand signals, and Guardians marked each level.

This system has been carefully kept alive, and is coupled now with both Jewish and Christian Kabbalah and end-time prophecies. The Initiate is taken up and up, level by level to the Seventh Heaven. Here the divine Presence of YHVH, the four-in-one Deity, the Face is revealed to the climber.....

As in Masonic degrees, one wonders? Gershom Scholem writes about Merkabah mysticism in his book MAJOR TRENDS IN JEWISH MYSTICISM, indicating that it predates the Kabbalah. He indicates there are branches of the study of Kabbalah, including Lurianic Kabbalah which he calls "Gnostic" (p. 280) and Sabbatianism. He writes:

Sabbatai Zevi, the Kabbalistic ascetic and devotee, feels impelled, under the influence of his manic enthusiasm, to commit acts which run counter to religious law. A latent antinomianism is discernible in these acts..."(p. 291)

Here then [in the knowledge that Zevi was manic-depressive] we have a clear description of Sabbatai Zevi's state of mind. Of the temptations to which he was subjected in his fits of depression a great deal is said, especially in the writings of Nathan of Gaza, and we are told that they were of a demonic and erotic character. In brief, we have before us a man who felt himself pursued by demons during periods of melancholy depression which exposed him to a severe physical and mental strain, and who above all was the helpless victim of these forces. (p. 292-293)

Zevi's heretical Judaism promoted antinomian acts of a demonic and erotic character. Scholem indicates this was a "tremendous religious mass movement which spread like wild-fire through the entire Diaspora." (p. 288) and that "the holy spirit and a great 'illumination' had come over him." (p. 292) Scholem adds:

I regard it as important to follow the course of this movement, if only because the part which Sabbatianism played in the spiritual development of Jewry during the generations that followed, is generally underrated. Sabbatianism represents the first serious revolt in Judaism since the Middle Ages; it was the first case of mystical ideas leading directly to the disintegration of the orthodox Judaism of "the believers." Its heretical mysticism produced an outburst of more or less veiled nihilistic tendencies among some of its followers. Finally it encouraged a mood of religious anarchism on a mystical basis... (p. 299)

On the same page he refers to the "aversion of the orthodox against the antimonian tendencies in Sabbatianism...."

Scholem indicates that according to Sabbatianism:

We must all descend into the realm of evil in order to vanquish it from within. In varying theoretical guises the apostles of nihilism preached the doctrine of the existence of spheres in which the process of Tikkun [a form of self-salvation] can no longer be advanced by pious acts; Evil must be fought with evil....That in the religious nihilism of Sabbatianism, which during the eighteenth century proved so dangerous to the most precious possession of Judaism, its moral substance, both these elements had a share, cannot be proved better than by the tragic history of its last phase, the Frankist movement. (p. 315)

The Sabbatian/Frankist movement is still around.

Dan Brown, call your office...

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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