
Saturday, June 11, 2005


Remember my blog about Fr. Ron Rolheiser, who was on the program at Mundelein Seminary, sponsored by the Cardinal Suenens Center in my diocese. Fr. Rolheiser likes sacramental sex:

One can almost imagine him visualizing an illicit sexual relationship here. He knows just what to do with it, too, and he tells us all about it in "In Praise of Skin," my own personal favorite exposition of heresy.

Here he pulls no punches. In here he says that "skin meets skin, in sacramental sex, and temple commingles with temple." He knows he's being outrageous because he says "Not an easy thing for us to accept." (Um, yeah, ya got that right!) "Untouched skin is rife with fever spots...we don't get touched enough." But he doesn't quit there:

It seems too earthy to be spiritual. Consequently we generally lack the
courage to accept a theology of sexuality that is earthy enough to do justice to
how shockingly physical the incarnation really is. In sacramental sex there is
Just as in eucharist, God enters, caresses, and kisses human
skin....God becomes more than words, more than a belief, more than a teaching.
In the eucharist, God...becomes the great healer who touches, caresses,
massages, and kisses our skin.

Fr. Rolheiser's book THE HOLY LONGING is on Phil's High Fives list at his Shalom Place website which is linked at the Dominican Heartland Center for Spirituality. Fr. Rolheiser was on a program for Chicago's Mundelein Seminary. The links are in my "Fr. Rohr and Fr. Rolheiser" blog.

Keep going down this sacred sex road and ritual sex will be here before you know it.

Lord have mercy!

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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