
Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Boston.com reports:

TUCSON, Ariz. -- The Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson has filed an amended bankruptcy organization plan, seeking to cap its payout for sex-abuse claims at $20 million. A plaintiffs' lawyer said the amount wasn't enough and vowed to challenge the proposal.

Initial payments to alleged abuse victims would range from $100,000 to $600,000, depending on the severity of the abuse, according to the amended plan filed Monday.

The bankruptcy court has logged 103 abuse claims against the diocese, which in September became the second in the country to file for Chapter 11 reorganization protection in the face of litigation stemming from alleged sexual abuse by priests.

Of course no amount of money would ever be enough to compensate a victim for sexual abuse by a priest. Their life was irrevocably altered by the experience, and money can't fix that.

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