
Monday, March 07, 2005


Amy Welborn has opened a thread for comments about the Sunday homily each week in her blog. This week's variety is interesting. If you check in, be sure to read the comments about "Fr. Bubbles". It's bound to give you a greater appreciation for the homily you heard, assuming it was at least marginally orthodox.

There's also the little skit between the priest and the deacon, apparently orchestrated rather than spontaneous, with a curtain call later in the Mass that included the deacon's guitar which mysteriously appeared from behind the altar. It was probably entertaining, but hardly fits the concepts of "pius" or "sacred" or "prayer." But hey...what do I know?

I've stuck my own comment in there as well. Someone read it and emailed me to say that the saint, whose name I didn't catch when Father gave it, is Blessed Margaret of Castello.

And lastly, what is with the "Amazing Grace" Sunday? We didn't have that, but apparently is was sung in the majority of churches. We did have "Shepherd Me O God" which someone else mentioned.

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